
New Edition of Zoho Analytics Democratizes Self-Service BI to Any Persona or Business

Zoho Corporation, a leading global technology company, is releasing a new version of Zoho Analytics—Zoho's self-service BI and analytics platform introducing new AI and ML capabilities.

Among more than 100 other enhancements, Zoho Analytics now enables diagnostic insights, predictive analysis, and automated report and dashboard generation.

Additional advancements to Zoho Analytics include a custom ML model-building studio, seamless integration with Open AI, and third-party BI platform extensions.

The new version of Zoho Analytics has added power, intelligence, and flexibility to serve a broader range of businesses and users than competitors in the market, according to the company.

"Zoho Analytics launched in 2009 as Zoho Reports, long before technology had caught up to Zoho's vision for business intelligence," said Raju Vegesna, chief evangelist for Zoho. "Since then, Zoho has made considerable investments around automation, no-code/low-code development, third-party integration, machine learning, and Zia, Zoho's in-house AI engine. The latest version of Zoho Analytics is one of the first solutions from the company that takes advantage of every one of these decades-long investments. The result is a democratized platform that is powerful, intelligent, flexible, and simple to use."

The latest version of Zoho Analytics has advanced across four key areas: data management, AI, data science and machine learning, and extensibility.

Zoho Analytics has expanded its data management capabilities, ensuring more accurate and applicable decision-making and deeper insights to accelerate business success.

Zoho Analytics has added Stream Analytics and 25 other new data connectors to its expansive 500-plue connector portfolio. Now, businesses may access a central repository of data pulled from a broad host of databases for more precise and efficient analysis.

Within Zoho Analytics, users can now create and manage complex ETL data pipelines, ensuring data is properly extracted, transformed, and deposited.

Zoho Analytics' new Unified Metrics Layer enables users to define, standardize, monitor, access control, and catalog all business metrics in a single pane. The platform also extends to serve in a Headless BI mode, allowing data apps to consume the same metrics in real time for consistent and dependable insights.

Zoho Analytics has introduced generative AI capabilities across the BI platform to accelerate the adoption of insights for a broad spectrum of user personas.

Zoho Analytics now features the DSML Studio, allowing users to simply and quickly build custom machine learning models, which, for example, analyze or predict customer churn.

Zoho Analytics is more deeply extensible, allowing businesses to sync and standardize data stored across multiple tools and platforms for comprehensive analysis and insights.

The new Zoho Analytics release features over 100 updates, including new visualizations, enhanced dashboard building, audit and admin controls, revamped mobile apps, Right-to-Left (RTL) support, and more.

The new version of Zoho Analytics is available immediately.

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