
NVIDIA Debuts Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing Platform

NVIDIA is releasing a unified computing platform for speeding breakthroughs in quantum research and development across AI, HPC, health, finance, and other disciplines.

The NVIDIA Quantum Optimized Device Architecture, or QODA, aims to make quantum computing more accessible by creating a coherent hybrid quantum-classical programming model.

QODA is an open, unified environment for some the most powerful computers and quantum processors, improving scientific productivity and enabling greater scale in quantum research. 

HPC and AI domain experts can use it to easily add quantum computing to existing applications, leveraging both today’s quantum processors, as well as simulated future quantum machines using NVIDIA DGX systems and a large installed base of NVIDIA GPUs available in scientific supercomputing centers and public clouds.

“Scientific breakthroughs can occur in the near term with hybrid solutions combining classical computing and quantum computing,” said Tim Costa, director of HPC and quantum computing products at NVIDIA. “QODA will revolutionize quantum computing by giving developers a powerful and productive programming model.”

Leading quantum organizations are already using NVIDIA GPUs and highly specialized NVIDIA software—NVIDIA cuQuantum—to develop individual quantum circuits, according to the vendor. With QODA, developers can build complete quantum applications simulated with NVIDIA cuQuantum on GPU-accelerated supercomputers.

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