
Making the Case for Legacy Data in Modern Data Analytics Platforms at Data Summit 2022

Modern data analytics platforms that fuel enterprisewide data hubs are critical for decision making and information sharing. The problem? Integrating legacy data stores into these hubs is just plain hard, and there is no magic bullet. However, the best data hubs include all enterprise data.

At Data Summit 2022, Ashwin Ramachandran, senior director of product management, Precisely, talked about why it is critical for organizations to move legacy systems and their data into the future. This session explored best practices for integrating legacy data sources into modern data analytics platforms such as Cloudera, Databricks, and Snowflake.

There is a lot of critical data that resides in legacy IBM iSeries and mainframe systems but companies want to use modern tools and platforms to centralize BI and analytics, do data discovery, enable data democracy with governance, do next-gen initiatives such as ML and AI. Holding critical data, legacy assets cannot be left out of these initiatives.

Ramachandran showcased use cases in which data from legacy systems was moved into the future including a shipping company whose mainframe data was not readable for downstream tracking dashboards but, using Precisely, was able to make data readable in Snowflake for real-time tracking, and an insurance company that had VSAM files and used Precisely and Databricks to create a high performance data hub.

Legacy platforms continue to run the core of the business for many companies, and they must leverage that data to deliver value to the business, emphasized Ramachandran in closing.

Many Data Summit 2022 presentations are available for review at
