
Key Insight Now Delivers Encryption Key Discovery and Assessment for On-Prem and Hybrid Environments

Fortanix Inc., a leader in data-first cybersecurity and pioneer of Confidential Computing, is debuting an expansion of Key Insight, the solution for proactively discovering, assessing, and remediating cryptographic security risks. Now, Key Insight users can scan on-premises services—such as databases or storage—for encryption keys, making it the first solution to deliver this capability across hybrid and on-prem environments, according to Fortanix.

Though the push toward cloud and multi-cloud environments remains prevalent, many organizations maintain sensitive data within on-prem systems. For enterprises within highly regulated industries—such as telecom, healthcare, and financial services—ensuring that the location of encryption keys is known, as well as how well cryptography is applied, is crucial.

With its latest expansion, Fortanix Key Insight enables its users to scan for encryption keys and related data services on-prem, eliminating the complex, time-consuming task of manual discovery and enumeration of crypto security posture. Centralized within a single platform, Key Insight users can rapidly discover, assess, and remediate cryptographic security posture, further amplified by additional features such as federated authentication for improved access control.

“As businesses take advantage of the many advantages that hybrid multi-cloud architectures offer, they also create an abundance of hidden risks due to data and encryption key sprawl,” said Anuj Jaiswal, vice president of products at Fortanix. “As data encryption becomes so dispersed, security and compliance teams have no insight into where they apply cryptography, and how well their sensitive data is protected. In these instances, Fortanix Key Insight is what these businesses need to become safer faster.”

Key Insight empowers rapid assessment of data service security, simplified audits to ensure alignment between security posture and internal policies, and instantaneous insight into the most at-risk data services. For those bracing for the post-quantum threat looming on the proprietary horizon, Key Insight allows organizations to determine which keys are quantum vulnerable and remediate them appropriately.

Fundamentally, Key Insight enables users “to be able to have a single, consolidated platform for all your cryptographic security needs, all the way from discovering, assessing all the challenges with the cryptographic security, and to be able to remediate as well as be ready for the post quantum threats which are lingering around,” according to Jaiswal.

Key Insight is delivered through Fortanix Armor, the new, unified platform built on Confidential Computing for enterprise-grade identity and access management, as well as onboarding and service consumption.

To learn more about Key Insight, please visit
