Graphiant, a provider of private, next-generation Network-as-a-Service (NaaS), is introducing its groundbreaking Data Assurance service, providing end-to-end control and visibility for data in motion throughout the entire business network.“Data in motion is one of the biggest security issues for the enterprise,” said Khalid Raza, founder and CEO of Graphiant. “It is crucial that enterprises have the tools to guarantee data is fully protected while in motion, even while traveling outside the enterprise network.”
According to the company, there are two core drivers for data assurance. First, data is increasingly distributed outside the business network. The second driver is the proliferation of laws and industry rules aimed at regulating how data in motion is protected.
Graphiant’s Data Assurance service gives businesses end-to-end control and visibility into how data travels throughout the entire business network and helps with compliance with laws and regulations. Graphiant’s solution comprises the following elements:
- Granular control of data in motion. For example, enterprises can specify specific paths data can, and cannot, travel. These rules can be driven by a combination of performance and security objectives.
- Precise monitoring and auditing of data in motion. This is possible because Graphiant owns and controls the entire NaaS.
- All data is encrypted in flight. Data is NEVER decrypted in the core network, only after reaching its destination.
- Adaptive Routing enables dynamic route adjustments to avoid congestion and minimize latency, which is essential for AI workloads like autonomous driving and real-time analytics—far surpassing the limitations of traditional static routing.
- Security Integration enhances network defenses through real-time analysis. By combining security with routing, our systems proactively block threats, moving beyond the passive approach of conventional routers. Leveraging threat intelligence, we profile application flow data to identify possible sources of data breaches.
- Optimized Resource Allocation ensures that AI networks intelligently prioritize bandwidth, computational power, and storage according to workload demands, driving efficiency and performance.
Graphiant offers a seamless transition from hardware-based models to flexible, software-driven networks. This preserves performance and visibility within service provider networks and empowers them to tap into the growing data economy by using large threat intelligence databases and offer businesses complete visibility to their traffic from branch to SP core to cloud.
Graphiant's Data Assurance service is globally available now, marking a significant milestone in the company's commitment to reimagining modern networks, the company said.
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