
Frank Schwaak from Rubrik Discusses How Modern Data Protection Can Empower Your Team

Today's enterprises face several challenges in keeping their data safe, and for the IT teams charged with this mission, it's only getting harder.

Data volumes are exploding and spreading across on-premises and cloud, making data protection increasingly complex.

Adding to this pain is the reality that most enterprise IT teams today are being asked to do more with less—but are left relying on legacy tools that can be time-consuming and error-prone with manual tasks, struggle with performance, and often create interdependency issues between teams.

Today's enterprises need solutions that will help their teams get their time back, empower them to get the most value out of their backups and ensure their data is available when they need it most.

DBTA held a webinar with Frank Schwaak, senior solution architect, Oracle and SAP, Rubrik, who discussed solutions that will help enterprise teams get their time back, empower them to get the most value out of their backups and ensure their data is available when they need it most.

According to Schwaak, the daily tasks of a DBA include backup and recovery; provisioning database clones for test/dev; validating system patches and upgrades; compliance auditing; ad hoc recoveries; testing and validating DR/restores; and testing and validating backups.

Instead of using a legacy system that has teams doing tons of manual work and possibly take days to complete a task, Schwaak recommends modern data protection that can streamline activities through automation and gives users access to self-service. The ideal solution is also built for the cloud and built for security, he said.

Data management requirements include automated backups, restore control, and speed. It also includes automated discovery and protection, SLA driven retention management, replication and secure archival, and self-service clones, he said.

Rubrik Cluster is built following an API-first strategy, he said. Any workflow available from the UI can be automated via API calls and tools are available to help users get started such as SDKs and integration toolkits and Chrome extension for Rubrik: API capture off the UI.

An archived on-demand replay of this webinar is available here.
