
DataRobot Accelerates the Delivery of AI to Production With the Release of Dedicated Managed AI Cloud

DataRobot is releasing DataRobot Dedicated Managed AI Cloud, a dedicated hosted version of AI Cloud managed by DataRobot experts.

Dedicated Managed AI Cloud provides the latest DataRobot capabilities to support critical AI and machine learning projects with the advantage of public cloud services, reducing cost and time-to-value in deploying, upgrading, and managing the AI infrastructure, according to the vendor.

DataRobot Dedicated Managed AI Cloud builds on a decade of experience driving business-critical AI/ML projects for hundreds of customers across on-premises, virtual private cloud, public cloud, and in DataRobot multi-tenant SaaS deployments. This new offering extends the full functionality of the AI Cloud to provide a dedicated managed instance of the DataRobot platform running for each customer in the cloud.

The newly announced offering saves time and resources by freeing team members from managing or maintaining platform updates, while providing the security, isolation, and data residency requirements for each customer, according to the vendor. Dedicated Managed AI Cloud is deployed for each customer in a dedicated and separate VPC and operated, monitored, and maintained by DataRobot experts.

“We’re excited for business leaders to realize the value of DataRobot with this managed offering, which brings together two distinct and significant advantages,” says Venky Veeraraghavan, SVP, product, DataRobot. “Customers can focus on driving business results with DataRobot managing the operational elements, while still maintaining their specific security requirements and taking advantage of the cloud's evergreen deployment and new features.”

For more information about this release, visit
