
Data Management Trends for 2024 Include Rising Interest in Data Fabric Implementation

The modern data management landscape is evolving and with it are job roles, tools, processes, and company culture that will keep the organization looking ahead toward the future.

To gain insight on the adoption and maturity of data management technologies and practices, DBTA and Radiant Advisors surveyed more than 250 IT leaders and professionals at organizations across North America to identify the key perceptions, priorities, challenges, and technology plans underlying modernization efforts today.

The report, “Market Study: 2024 Modern Data Management & Data Fabric” was produced by Unisphere Research and Radiant Advisors, and sponsored by Informatica, Denodo, and Quest.

As 61.3% of respondents indicated, the primary focus for their company is enhancing operational efficiency. This focus aligns with the goals of advancing decision-making and automation, marking a shift towards agile, data-driven operations.

Data management maturity in most organizations varies, with 40.9% reporting a proactive approach. Even so, a substantial gap exists between strategic data usage aspirations and execution.

Cloud-based solutions and scalable data frameworks are being increasingly adopted, reflecting a broad movement toward flexible data management environments.

Utilizing data fabric is gradually gaining acceptance, with 52% of participants maintaining a neutral stance, waiting to gauge its impact.

However, positive sentiments are notable among respondents, with 26% acknowledging its benefits for IT data management and 6% for its influence on business analytics and discovery. The implementation faces hurdles, like transitioning from legacy systems and addressing data governance, yet the optimism surrounding data fabric’s potential to innovate data management remains strong, the survey found.

Key components such as data virtualization and metadata activation are identified as essential for effective data fabric implementation, underlining a cautiously optimistic view toward this design concept.

The survey data indicates a strong commitment among organizations to modernize their data architecture and management initiatives in the year ahead and beyond.

“People are finding our survey results both reassuring and an insightful way to revisit discussions into their own data management priorities, budgets, and data fabric aspirations," said John O'Brien, principal advisor, Radiant Advisors. 

To read the full report, go here.
