Code Climate, the engineering management platform, is unveiling new DORA metrics, built for accuracy, now integrated within the enterprise’s Velocity Analytics module. Engineering teams will have access to DORA metrics in context, paired with other engineering data, to make more accurately informed data-driven decisions—ultimately enhancing software delivery and overall engineering impact.
In-context DORA metrics aid in driving a balance between speed and stability for engineering teams and delivery managers; metrics such as deployment, frequency, mean lead time for changes, mean time for recovery, and change failure rate are essential to determining the efficiency of software delivery.
Code Climate’s Velocity leverages DORA metrics by consuming customers’ incident and deployment data via API from existing tools and Jira, thereby increasing accuracy of calculations and encouraging a comprehensive understanding of engineering team performance. Data ingestion on behalf of Velocity is done without accessing source code.
“DORA metrics are the most common starting point for our customers in their journey with an engineering management platform,” said Madison Unell, senior product manager at Code Climate. “While Velocity already measured DORA metrics, we’ve improved the way we ingest and deliver this data for users so that it is more accurate and actionable. By providing new visualizations in our Analytics module, customers can view their DORA metrics over time, drill into the underlying data, and overlay the DORA metrics with other engineering metrics to best understand where there are areas of improvement.”
Velocity allows users to correlate DORA metrics with several Velocity metrics—including application, cycle time, filter or group by team, PR size, unreviewed PRs, and repository—to generate a holistic vision of DevOps processes and performance status. Events can further be annotated to provide additional context regarding engineering capacity, such as a cloud provider outage or an all-company offsite.
“Code Climate’s Velocity platform already played a critical role in improving the health of our engineering organization. With the insights provided, we were able to remove bottlenecks and bring our cycle time down from 120 hours to less than 48 hours,” said Joseph Gefroh, vice president of engineering at HealthSherpa. “Now, we can view DORA metrics in the context of the other Velocity data, which saves substantial time and provides a really clear picture of our team's performance.”
For more information about Velocity’s new DORA metrics integration, please visit