
Couchbase Releases Autonomous Operator for Kubernetes 2.2

Couchbase is releasing its Couchbase Autonomous Operator for Kubernetes (CAO) Version 2.2, offering an automated cloud-native database experience.

One of the key new capabilities of this release is the Auto-scaling Couchbase services feature. Couchbase’s auto-scaling feature monitors the user’s cluster and automatically adjusts capacity to maintain steady and predictable performance, based on pre-defined thresholds for all Couchbase services.

Users can set the auto-scaling policy with any Couchbase metric that fits their environment-specific needs.

The solution can provide some recommendations for Couchbase’s Data, Index, and Query services to assure uninterrupted service and consistent performance in all situations.

Other new features and improvements include:

  • Online storage scaling (scale up your storage without having to restart pods)
  • Centralized log forwarding and automated audit logging with Fluent Bit
  • Couchbase server-group customization
  • Online backup volume resizing
  • Custom upgrades
  • Automatic resource allocation
  • A new tool: cbsbctl (a tool to effectively reduce the number of steps in the Couchbase Service Broker deployments)
  • Helm improvements
  • Prometheus improvements
  • Backup/Restore improvements
  • TLS Settings
  • CERT Manager integration
  • XDCR admin password rotation

Online expansion of persistent volumes in CAO 2.2 allows users to infinitely scale up their storage with zero downtime, meaning they don’t have to restart the pods with Kubernetes’ new feature of dynamic PVC resizing.

CAO 2.2 supports log forwarding through the optional deployment of a third-party log processor.

In addition, audit logging can now be configured via the CouchbaseCluster resource specification, thus allowing for automated audit logging via the CAO.

CAO 2.2 introduces the ability to modify remote cluster identification and authentication settings. This provides the ability to rotate passwords and certificates on the remote cluster, or even replace the remote cluster entirely.

Couchbase Server groups and CAO pod scheduling settings can be modified while a cluster is running. This release also allows you to modify availability zones while a cluster is running. All server group migration operations use a shortest-path algorithm in order to minimize disruption.

CAO 2.2 makes TLS 1.2 the minimum required version by default, and will automatically update the TLS minimum version unless it is explicitly specified with the couchbaseclusters.spec.networking.tls.tlsMinimumVersion parameter

CAO 2.2 provides secret shadowing to support the widely used format for TLS resources such as tls.key and tls.crt to provide integration with third-party providers and to maintain backward compatibility with Couchbase Server’s required format for the TLS resources to be called as pkey.key and chain.pem. As the secret is shadowed, the Operator can reformat private keys, and therefore now supports PKCS #8 formatted private keys

Kubernetes allows pods to reserve and limit compute resources. Resource reservation provides Kubernetes with the ability to fairly schedule pods so that they don’t compete for CPU and memory.

CAO 2.2 allows rolling upgrades where you can upgrade either a fixed number of pods or a percentage of the cluster size. You can set both values. It will consider both values and will select the one which will result in the fewest number of pods to upgrade at a time.

To mitigate performance issues, in CAO 2.2, couchbasebackups.spec.threads and couchbasebackuprestores.spec.threads can now be specified to configure the number of concurrent cbbackupmgr clients to use when backing up or restoring data.

For more information about these updates, visit
