
Confio Software Offers Free Response-Time Database Performance Tool

Confio Software, which offers Ignite 8 performance analysis software, has unveiled IgniteFree, which the company describes as the only free response-time database performance analysis tool. IgniteFree is carved from Ignite 8's primary feature set and gives DBAs a point-in-time view of bottlenecks in their database. IgniteFree for Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase and DB2/LUW can be downloaded from Confio at no cost. "We have taken the core feature of Ignite - which is the response time monitoring - and we have packaged it in a free version so that you get all the response time information for real time monitoring for the past hour at no cost," Don Bergal, chief operating officer of Confio, tells 5 Minute Briefing.

Confio's IgniteFree uses the same agent-less, low-load monitoring architecture as Ignite 8. It is designed specifically to demonstrate the benefits of response-time based performance analysis software: its usability, simplicity and accuracy. It is more than just a "demo" because it can be used for diagnosing and monitoring performance issues in real time, stresses Bergal. Although it does not include long-term trend analysis, detailed server resource statistics, and other advanced features, it does provide real functionality for a short time frame. "We believe it will be a practical utility for DBAs who want to know what is happening their database right now or want to respond to their customers in real time - what is going on right now, what is the current bottleneck, what do I need to worry about this minute. what'son fire?"

IgniteFree is intended for real-time analysis, showing just the last hour of response time, server resources, query and session statistics. DBAs can use IgniteFree to identify the queries that consume the most resources and cause the most user response-time impact within the past hour. IgniteFree also enables DBAs to immediately respond to calls from application users regarding potential database performance and impact issues.

"We developed IgniteFree to help DBAs, database developers and IT managers do real-time performance fire-fighting," notes Matt Larson, CEO and founder of Confio. "Other free monitoring tools only offer a few server health statistics. By placing a free response-time analysis tool in the hands of all DBAs and developers, we can educate the largest number of users on the benefits of response-time analysis."

Users who find that they would benefit from the advanced features of Confio Ignite 8 can convert to a full trial of Confio Ignite 8 simply by adding a license key. IgniteFree for Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase and DB2/LUW can be downloaded at no cost. There is no limit on seats (or users) for IgniteFree and users can monitor up to 20 instances at a time. Confio also has a forum available for IgniteFree users.
