
Code42 Debuts Data Visualizations and Protections for GenAI Tooling in the Enterprise

Code42 Software, Inc. (now part of Mimecast), the leader in data loss and insider threat protection, is unveiling a series of enhancements to Incydr, the SaaS data protection solution. With these enhancements, designed specifically to protect against data exfiltration to generative AI (GenAI) tools, enterprises can embark on GenAI initiatives with confidence, according to the company.

As employees continue to incorporate GenAI tools into their workflows, enterprises are raising legitimate concerns about data leakage and sensitive data exposure. According to a report from Code42, while 65% of their customer base uses GenAI, 86% of security leaders are concerned that employees are exposing confidential data to the GenAI tools.

To help combat these rising fears of data security and GenAI, Incydr now offers new data visualizations that identify and respond to events where sensitive data is moved to various GenAI tools—including ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Claude, Jasper, and Perplexity. With a single click, enterprises can rapidly understand the nature of their data movement to GenAI tools, according to Code42.

Additionally, Code42 is introducing its new Proactive Risk Identification and Severity Model (PRISM) system which is designed to score and prioritize events associated with GenAI tools, guiding the user with recommended actions that address GenAI risks. These recommendations are based on the enterprise’s policy regarding what can or cannot be put into GenAI tools, offering training videos to ensure employee understanding.

“The truth is, security analysts spend most of their time triaging events that could have been handled through automation,” said Rob Juncker, CTO, Code42. “PRISM ensures practitioners can automate response to a wider range of risks in order to address data loss more comprehensively and with less effort. It also reduces the number of hands-on critical events analysts need to investigate.”

This update to Incydr builds on its existing GenAI protections, including capabilities such as the ability to detect and block file uploads and other paste activities to GenAI.

Ultimately, Code42’s release acknowledges the widespread push for GenAI while ensuring that data sensitivity and protection remain a priority. The update also works to reduce manual work, save on resources, and ease the workflows of security analysts, according to Juncker.

“Incydr helps security analysts tackle the limitations of current market solutions that fail to recognize data exfiltration through GenAI tools. It ensures security teams can effectively manage risk introduced by GenAI, while ensuring their teams can adopt these tools that are so critical to remaining innovative and competitive,” said Juncker.

To learn more about Incydr, please visit
