
Classiq Reveals Qmod, a Language Designed to ‘Open the Gates’ for Quantum Programming

Classiq Technologies, the quantum software company, is announcing the GA of Qmod (Quantum Modeling Language), the first high-level language (HLL) for quantum coding, according to the company. Now accessible to developers, researchers, and enterprises globally, QMmod works to abstract certain complexities associated with describing quantum algorithms.

Heather West, PhD, research manager, quantum computing at IDC, succinctly explains the current state of quantum computing, arguing that, “to deliver a business or scientific value, quantum computing must be useful and accessible to scientists and engineers seeking to use quantum computing to solve real-world problems—which today it is not.”

“Today, programming a quantum computer happens at the hardware level, making the technology only accessible to quantum physicists and other quantum specialists. As we begin to talk about quantum utility and near-term applications, abstraction-level application programming will become a necessity for wide-spread quantum adoption and usage,” West continued. 

Driven by this quantum conundrum, Classiq’s Qmod enables developers to describe quantum algorithms at a high level of abstraction, ensuring that developers can focus on the functional intent of their algorithms rather than quantum implementation, according to the vendor. Classiq’s compiler and synthesis engine deals with the implementation details, supported further by Classiq’s platform for seamless compilation across a range of hardware and simulation environments. 

“As we go further in building a complete quantum software stack, our groundbreaking Qmod language enables quantum experts to produce sophisticated programs while also allowing developers without a quantum background to innovate and solve complex problems across a variety of industry domains,” said Nir Minerbi, CEO and co-founder of Classiq. “By abstracting the complexities of quantum programming, Qmod delivers the ability to create and deploy dynamic quantum applications effortlessly. In some cases, it’ll use perhaps five lines of code instead of the traditional 100 lines of code. Like Java for the worldwide web or BASIC for PCs, Qmod is intended to open the gates to advanced quantum implementation.”

To learn more about Qmod, please visit
