
CiRBA Ships Control Console for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

CiRBA Inc., a provider of data center intelligence software, announced support for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.0 in its latest release of CiRBA Version 7.0. CiRBA's new Control Console is designed to provide IT organizations with greater control within virtual and cloud infrastructures. The console provides a single view where attention is required at the VM, host, and cluster level.

The console helps IT managers drill down into provisioning details and events within Red Hat virtualized environments, Andrew Hillier, co-founder and CTO of CiRBA, tells 5 Minute Briefing. "CiRBA extends RHEV's core capabilities by providing a detailed, ongoing analysis of optimal workload placements, resource allocations and capacity requirements," he explains. "CiRBA 7.0 gives unprecedented control over efficiency and risk to organizations deploying Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization. In a single glance at the console, users can see where attention is required at the VM, host, and cluster level, and CiRBA's new action system provides explicit instructions on what allocations need to change, which workloads need to move and to where, and where new capacity is required."

Many organizations tend to over-provision capacity and over-allocated resources to VMs, significantly increasing the cost of virtualization. CiRBA's Control Console gives organizations the power to set policies for how virtual infrastructure should be managed, then safely eliminate waste by revealing whether or not VMs, hosts or clusters have "Too Little Infrastructure" (resources in the red band), "Too Much Infrastructure" (resources in the yellow band) or are "Just Right" (resources in the green band). This provides a simple means of understanding what is at risk, what is inefficient, and where action needs to be taken. CiRBA's action system supports both allocation changes, VM reboots, and VM movement, Hillier says." We support all of these scenarios by including the action routing strategy part of the policy used to manage each environment. This allows actions to be manual, by sending them to people or change management systems, or to be fully automated through integrations with orchestration tools, provisioning systems, and products like RHEV Manager and vCenter."

Infrastructure managers use the Spectrum view and explicit actions provided by CiRBA such as VM moves, VM allocation or capacity changes to work toward a simple goal of moving all of the entities in an environment into the green. CiRBA's analytics model an organization's business and operational policies so that requirements for SLAs, regulations, DR, HA, and other critical criteria are reflected in the actions recommended by the solution.

CiRBA's analytics are cross-platform, providing solutions for a wide variety of virtualization platforms. The CiRBA Control Console, available in CiRBA Version 7.0, currently supports VMware and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization infrastructure with additional platforms planned for upcoming releases. This enables "heterogeneous cabinets, pods and even entire data centers to be controlled from one console," Hillier says.

For more information, visit the CiRBA site.

More details on RHEV are available from Red Hat at
