
Breaking News—New CA Database Release Designed for IBM zIIP Processor

CA today announced that the latest release of its CA Datacom database now exploits IBM's System z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP) specialty processor. Version r12 of CA Datacom also takes advantage of CA's "Mainframe 2.0" framework, targeted at more cost-effective mainframe deployments.

Both CA Datacom r12 and CA IDMS r17 enable customers to shift all types of production database workloads-including those generated by online transaction systems, batch processing jobs and distributed platform requests-to zIIP specialty processors. Customers may take advantage of the lower costs of running applications on zIIP, the vendor says.

"Since each customer's environment is different, it's impossible to predict or estimate the savings a specific customer would experience," Mark Combs, senior vice president in CA's Mainframe Business Unit, tells 5 Minute Briefing. "But by offloading workloads from general purpose processors onto lower-cost zIIPs, the new version of CA Datacom will help customers significantly reduce their overall cost of computing. Customers can and should model the projected impact for their specific environment."

Combs adds that CA provides the zIIP capability "at no charge to CA Datacom customers with active license and maintenance agreements." Customers can still deploy r12 on the main processor if they choose to, he adds.

CA Datacom r12 also includes other features, including a Multi-Dataset Index for advanced index processing and new AutoScope Performance Metric Tools for improved performance monitoring and tuning.

CA Datacom r12 leverages key components of CA's "Mainframe 2.0" initiative, including CA Mainframe Software Manager, which automates CA Datacom product acquisition and installation and shields IT staff from underlying SMP/E complexities. Related solutions include CA IDMS, CA-Vtape Virtual Tape System, CA Tape Encryption, and CA NetMaster Network Management. CA also helps provide visibility into zIIP operations through management solutions such as CA SYSVIEW Performance Management, CA MICS Resource Management, and CA Insight Performance Monitor for DB2 for z/OS.

For more information, visit the CA website.
