
Breaking News—Latest Version of EnterpriseDB’s Postgres Plus Advanced Server Now Available

EnterpriseDB, an enterprise open source database company, has announced the general availability of the latest version of Postgres Plus Advanced Server, the company's flagship RDBMS product, which is based on the PostgreSQL open source database (Postgres Plus). Postgres Plus Advanced Server is a commercially licensed product that adds enterprise-class functionality and increased performance to Postgres Plus. The latest version features the company's fifth-generation Oracle compatibility technology, new "Infinite Cache" that provides massive scalability at low cost by leveraging commodity hardware and eliminating custom programming, and "Asynchronous Pre-Fetch," a high-performance query solution that optimizes commodity RAID solutions and is well-suited for data warehouse and ETL queries.

"The new features in this latest version are totally driven by the EnterpriseDB user population," Ed Boyajian, CEO of EnterpriseDB, tells 5 Minute Briefing. According to Boyajian, "the Oracle compatibility is especially important, because many companies are using Oracle for applications that are not really mission-critical, and want to easily migrate these systems to a lower-cost platform that is still enterprise-grade." One of the key new Oracle compatibility features that this latest release includes is explicit transaction control, "which makes the Postgres Plus Advanced Server behave just like an Oracle database," notes Jim Mlodgenski, chief architect at Enterprise DB. "We have also improved scalability by putting the distributed memory cache behind the database to let the database do the heavy lifting for caching, and improved security through features such as LDAP integration," Mlodgenski adds.

Additional Oracle compatibility features include support for advanced Oracle object types and packages, and tooling enhancements that facilitate the migration of Oracle schema and data to Postgres Plus Advanced Server. These capabilities enable more companies to move more Oracle applications easily over to the EnterpriseDB database, according to EnterpriseDB. For more information about Postgres Plus Advanced Server, go here.
