
Backslash Debuts New Features for Remediating Critical Vulnerabilities for AppSec

Backslash Security, a modern application security solution that leverages deep reachability analysis for enterprise AppSec and product security teams, is debuting new capabilities for the Backslash platform that are designed to alleviate the various pain points associated with AppSec. The two new features—Fix Simulation and Attack Path Remediation—provide advanced remediation guidance that incorporates safety, security, and app context to solve critical vulnerability challenges. 

Fix Simulation targets a specific issue facing AppSec teams where version upgrades to an application can incite new risks due to unexpected code dependencies. To solve this challenge, Fix Simulation offers multiple fix options detailing the accompanying impact that that fix may have on security posture. Developers would then select the best option, ultimately saving time and avoiding unnecessary risk. 

With Attack Path Remediation, AppSec benefits from highly contextual guidance on code vulnerability remediation, without sacrificing code confidentiality. By integrating with LLMs, Attack Path Remediation delivers holistic contextual insight produced by Backslash’s reachability analysis and metadata scanning, ensuring data protection and code privacy in the midst of remediation. 

“We finished the first half of the year with a record number of new customers. This reinforced our belief that it’s critical not only to focus the AppSec team on what really matters, but also to simplify the process of fixing the issues found,” said Yossi Pik, co-founder and CTO of Backslash Security. “To address this need, we developed new remediation capabilities that ensure vulnerabilities are identified, prioritized, and fixed promptly, closing the loop with tailored, context-rich recommendations. It’s like having an insider provide fix suggestions, streamlining the process for security and development teams.”

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