
ArangoDB Releases Round of Updates for Flagship Platform

ArangoDB, an open source native multi-model database, is releasing ArangoDB 3.4, enabling developers to efficiently interact with multiple data models by using just one technology and one query language.

Major new enhancements in ArangoDB 3.4 include ArangoSearch, a feature which transforms ArangoDB, when combined with traversals or joins in AQL, from a data retrieval to an information retrieval solution;  and full GeoJSON Support enabled by a Google S2 Geo Index library integration.

ArangoSearch, the result of four years of research and development, combines Boolean and generalized ranking retrieval models (e.g. vector space model).

Providing a rich set of information retrieval capabilities, ArangoSearch consists of two components – a search engine and an integration layer. The former is responsible for managing the index, querying and scoring, whereas the latter provides search capabilities for the end user in a convenient way.

ArangoSearch can be combined with all three data models in ArangoDB. If used in conjunction with graph database capabilities, search results could be used, for example, to enhance fraud protection, individualize recommendations, or simplify precision medicine.

ArangoDB 3.4 includes full support for GeoJSON, an open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes. The support encompasses all geo primitives, including multi-polygons or multi-line strings.

Other featured enhancements in include:

  • Query Profiler
  • Cluster Management
  • Streaming Cursors
  • RocksDB is now the default Storage Engine

“Improved usability and enhanced application performance are at the heart of every release we deliver,” said Claudius Weinberger, CEO of ArangoDB. “We are constantly reviewing the functionality of our native multi-model solution to ensure it competes, and in many cases outperforms, single-model alternatives. In 3.4 we have introduced ArangoSearch and extended the geo-spatial search capabilities of our database, which is a huge step forward for our technology. Our commitment to innovation is reflected in the quantity of new features available in this release.”

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