
Altova Introduces Version 2009 of MissionKit Tool Suite

Altova, creator of XMLSpy, the industry-leading XML editor, announced the availability of Version 2009 of the Altova MissionKit, an integrated suite of XML, database, data integration, and UML tools.

The MissionKit includes the complete Altova product line for enterprise software architects who need UML modeling and database management tools in addition to advanced XML, web services, and data integration capabilities. Specifically, the products in the MissionKit are XMLSpy for XML editing, MapForce for graphical data mapping, StyleVision for graphical stylesheet design, UModel for UML modeling, DatabaseSpy for database design, DiffDog for database table merges, SchemaAgent for graphical XML schema modeling, and SemanticWorks for semantic web editing.

Version 2009 adds a host of powerful new features and functionality across these multiple tools in the MissionKit, including comprehensive support for the XBRL standard (Extensible Business Reporting Language) and native database support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Oracle 11g, and PostgreSQL 8. The release also includes functionality for working with the Health Level 7 standard (HL7) in MapForce, along with new database differencing capabilities in DatabaseSpy and DiffDog.

Alexander Falk, president and CEO of Altova, tells 5 Minute Briefing that from a data integration perspective, "there are two main areas of new features in Version 2009 that provide enhanced data integration capabilities. The first is the support for the XBRL and HL7 standards for B2B data exchange, especially in MapForce, and the second is the new database differencing features in DatabaseSpy and DiffDog."

MapForce 2009 now supports graphical, drag-and-drop mapping of XBRL taxonomies as a source or target in any data mapping project. This new functionality enables users to comply with financial and business reporting mandates by graphically mapping backend data from accounting systems and databases to the XBRL format, or creating valid interim reports based on stored data. Users can map XBRL data to or from any other data format supported by MapForce, including XML, databases, flat files, Excel, web services, and EDI.

DatabaseSpy 2009 and DiffDog 2009 both add major new functionality for comparing and merging database content. Individual database tables or multiple tables within a schema can be compared, whether they are the same database type or completely different databases. Results of the content comparisons are displayed in tables, and differences can be merged bi-directionally. This new database comparison functionality allows users to easily backup, copy, or merge data quickly and easily.

For more information about Altova and Version 2009 of the MissionKit Tool Suite, go here.
