
Abstract Security Operationalizes Threat Intelligence with Abstract Intelligence Gallery

Abstract Security, building the future of AI enabled security operations, is unveiling Abstract Intelligence Gallery (AIG), a solution that “puts threat intelligence to work” and unlocks new use cases for enhancing security posture. Built atop Abstract Security’s streaming analytics platform, AIG serves to boost detection and analytics workflows without requiring specialized, complex platforms.

AIG enables the correlation of millions of indicators against billions of events in real time, driving four key use cases: Streaming Event Correlation, Keyword Monitoring, Unified Search and Reporting, and Streaming Security Enrichment.

The first of these use cases, Streaming Event Correlation, correlates events to known adversary infrastructure, delivering real-time insights into security breaches.

Keyword Monitoring works to increase visibility into threat intelligence feeds, surfacing patterns and keywords related to brand and executive monitoring, helping to ensure proactive threat awareness, according to Abstract.

With Unified Search Reporting, users benefit from a unified search and reporting capability through multiple intelligence providers, ultimately streamlining threat analysis and management.

Streaming Security Enrichment increases the quality of events with real-time threat intelligence data, forwarding accurate detection and reporting.

Central to the release of AIG is an intuitive framework for establishing robust security in a complicated threat landscape.

“Through our many talks with customers and partners, we wanted to offer enterprise security teams a very easy and intuitive way to operationalize their threat intelligence operations,” said Chris Camacho, co-founder and COO of Abstract Security. “With so many alerts, warnings, attacks, and everything else those teams face, ease of use is paramount and we’re very proud to provide that to customers.”

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