
AWS Announces AWS Glue DataBrew for Easier Data Prep

Amazon Web Services has announced the general availability of AWS Glue DataBrew, a new visual data preparation tool that enables customers to clean and normalize data without writing code. The service allows data exploration and experimentation directly from AWS data lakes, data warehouses, and databases.

AWS Glue has been used by data engineers to create, run, and monitor extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs. It provides both code-based and visual interfaces, and has simplifies extracting, orchestrating, and loading data in the cloud for customers.  However, according to AWS, data analysts and data scientists have wanted an easier way to clean and transform this data.

AWS Glue DataBrew allows data analysts and data scientists to clean and transform data with an interactive, point-and-click visual interface, without writing any code. With AWS Glue DataBrew, end users can access and explore any amount of data across their organization directly from their Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) data lake, Amazon Redshift data warehouse, and Amazon Aurora and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) databases.

According to AWS, customers can choose from over 250 pre-built transformations to automate data preparation tasks (e.g., filtering anomalies, standardizing formats, and correcting invalid values) that would otherwise require days or weeks writing hand-coded transformations. Once the data is prepared, customers can immediately start using it with AWS and third-party analytics and machine learning services to query the data and train machine learning models. There are no upfront commitments or costs to use AWS Glue DataBrew, and customers only pay for creating and running transformations on datasets.

“AWS customers are using data for analytics and machine learning at an unprecedented pace. However, these customers regularly tell us that their teams spend too much time on the undifferentiated, repetitive, and mundane tasks associated with data preparation,” said Raju Gulabani, VP of Database and Analytics, AWS. “Customers love the scalability and flexibility of code-based data preparation services like AWS Glue, but they could also benefit from allowing business users, data analysts, and data scientists to visually explore and experiment with data independently, without writing code. AWS Glue DataBrew features an easy-to-use visual interface that helps data analysts and data scientists of all technical levels understand, combine, clean, and transform data.”

AWS Glue DataBrew is generally available in the U.S. East (N. Virginia), U.S. East (Ohio), U.S. West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo), with availability in additional regions coming soon.

To get started with AWS Glue DataBrew, visit

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