
The Linux Foundation Releases Results of 2013 Survey of Enterprise End Users

The increasing demand for cloud computing, along with keen interest in virtualization and mobile technologies, is fortifying the position of Linux in the enterprise, according to The Linux Foundation’s third annual study on Linux adoption by the world’s largest enterprises. Among the key findings from The Linux Foundation’s 2013 Enterprise End User Report on enterprise Linux use, is the fact that more than 80% of respondents expect to increase the number of Linux servers over the next five years. 

For organizations deploying cloud computing, Linux is the main platform and almost 76% of cloud-enabled organizations expect to maintain or escalate their use of Linux for future cloud initiatives. The study also finds that there has been a precipitous increase in Linux use for mission-critical workloads, driven by the use of Linux for cloud computing and big data initiatives. Consistent with these findings, the report also states that there is growing concern among respondents’ companies as to their ability to recruit trained Linux staff.

The survey report is available at The Linux Foundation website.
