
The Linux Foundation Releases 2014 Enterprise End User Trends Report

Linux is the primary platform for the cloud and users consider the operating system more secure than alternatives, according to The Linux Foundation’s 2014 Enterprise End User Trends Report.  The findings in the just-released report also indicate a 14-point increase in Linux deployments over the last four years, while deployments on Windows have experienced a 9-point decline.  The report finds that Linux remains the go-to choice for the cloud, with 75% of enterprises using Linux as their primary cloud platform. 

“The way software is built today is modeled after the methodologies and principles used to build Linux, the world’s largest collaborative development project,” said Amanda McPherson, vice president of marketing and developer services, The Linux Foundation. “The Enterprise End User Report gives us important insight into how the world’s largest users are deploying Linux in the most complex environments and that can inform how to sustain Linux development for decades to come.” 

Go here for more information on the report.
