Canonical Founder and Chairman Mark Shuttleworth and IBM Power Systems General Manager Doug Balog teamed up in a YouTube video titled, “Cloud Magic! Ubuntu on IBM Power Systems with POWER8.” Following up on Canonical’s recent announcement of the availability of Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu OpenStack and Juju service orchestration tools on IBM POWER8 systems, Shuttleworth and Balog showcase the relationship between the two companies, and how POWER8 and Ubuntu combine for easy migration to Linux on POWER8.
“Ubuntu is the version of Linux that most companies adopt when they move to the cloud. If you look across all of the major public clouds – the IBM cloud, Amazon, Azure – most of the Linux workloads for enterprises and for startups is on Ubuntu, so we really know the cloud. And we have brought all of that cloud know-how and tooling to POWER8,” said Shuttleworth. “As companies move to the cloud they actually become more open to different platforms,” noted Balog.
Watch the video here.