The Linux Foundation, the non-profit organization dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux, announced the founding of the OpenDaylight Project, a community-led and industry-supported open source framework that will accelerate adoption, foster new innovation and create a more open and transparent approach to software-defined networking (SDN).
Founding members include IBM as well as Arista Networks, Big Switch Networks, Brocade, Cisco, Citrix, Dell, Ericsson, Fujitsu, HP, Intel, Juniper Networks, Microsoft, NEC, Nuage Networks, PLUMgrid, Red Hat and VMware. “IBM is working with customers and others to design, build and support the new era of computing – an era driven by unprecedented data growth, and the wide-scale adoption of such game-changing technologies as cloud, mobile, social and Big Data analytics,” said Dr. Ambuj Goyal, General Manager, System Storage & Networking at IBM. “A key aspect of this new paradigm is the software-defined environment that brings much needed intelligence to the network.
Enabling an open ecosystem, “OpenDaylight is OS-agnostic and structured with an open source license, open design, open development, open contribution model and open governance model,” writes Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin in a blog on the foundation’s website.