Jim Wasko, Director, IBM Linux Technology Center, writes about the LTC’s purpose, its history and its future in two new blogs:
At the IBM Linux Technology Center (LTC), we sometimes forget—because we have been around so long—that for some, the LTC is “new” news. Thanks to the success of Linux and other open source projects, there are people continually joining the open source technology ecosystem. Often, they don’t know our history, so we want to explain how we act as a resource for not only IBM but also for our partners and customers. Read “Linux Evolves and So Does IBM’s Linux Technology Center” here.
In his follow-up blog, “Applying the Lessons Learned from Linux to New Open Source Frontiers,” Wasko also provides an update on how the mission for the LTC is changing and the new areas in which it is becoming involved:
While initially, the LTC’s emphasis was largely centered on Linux, the scope has expanded over the years. When we started, we spent a lot of time working to make sure that all of IBM’s products worked with Linux so that Linux ran well on our different families of servers - x86, Power, and mainframes, helping the IBM Software Group take advantage of Linux for their hundreds of software products, and sometimes stepping in with services to make sure that they could deploy Linux in their engagements. From that, we became involved in helping Linux move into new areas. Read it here.