
Large Bank in Japan Increases Re-Utilization Rate by 18% with Linux and IBM zEnterprise

As the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (BTMU) developed a service oriented architecture (SOA) platform to realize its "cloud-banking" concept, it found that long-term effective use of existing business systems and information was essential. Within two years of beginning its SOA deployment, BTMU expanded its use to all branch offices. "While low-costs and short lead times were the most obvious requirements as we deployed, our biggest priority was to ensure zero impact on existing systems," recalls Motoyasu Mariko, Systems Infrastructure No.1, Systems Division. The SOA solution employed the IBM zEnterprise 196 mainframe as its platform, with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server as the operating system, divided by IBM logical partitioning. An MQ-based, high throughput messaging backbone was then built using IBM WebSphere Message Broker. Read the case study here.
