
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Starter System for System z Simplifies Installation

The SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Starter System for System z is now available to mainframe customers to simplify SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for System z installation and startup. Even with little or no Linux or z/VM experience, customers can install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Starter System for System z and take advantage of the combined solution's benefits of consolidating servers and virtualizing Linux, UNIX and Windows workloads.

The Starter System is a pre-built installation server for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for System z that can be installed on a z/VM system using Conversational Monitor System (CMS) tools. It eliminates the need for coordinating access to a separate Linux or UNIX system elsewhere on the network and minimizes the impact of network-based installation on internal and external networks.

For more information or to get a free download of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Starter System for System z, visit
