
Red Hat, Docker, IBM, and Others Join Kubernetes Community

In a recent blog post about Kubernetes, an open source manager for Docker containers based on Google’s years of experience using containers at Internet scale, Google senior vice president Urs H?lzle, shared news that Red Hat, Docker, IBM and others are joining the Kubernetes community. The companies will actively contribute to the project, with each bringing their unique strengths.

According to H?lzle, the shared goal is to allow a broad range of developers to take advantage of container technologies. Kubernetes, he explains, was built from the ground up as a lean, extensible and portable framework for managing Docker workloads, and allows customers to manage their applications the way that Google manages hyper-scale applications like Search and Gmail.

Containers make predictable deployments and simple scalability possible because Docker packages all of a workload’s dependencies with the application. “This allows for ultimate portability; you can avoid vendor lock-in and run containers in the cloud of your choice,” writes H?lzle. “It is just as important that the management framework has the same properties of portability and scalability, and that is what the community will bring to Kubernetes.”
