The Node.js and io.js developer communities are collaborating to merge their respective code bases and continue their work in a neutral forum, the Node.js Foundation, hosted by The Linux Foundation. Node.js is a runtime for high-performance, low latency applications, powering everything from enterprise applications to robots to API engines to cloud stacks, IoT, and mobile websites.
The intent to form the Node.js Foundation was announced earlier this year with the purpose of supporting the ongoing growth and evolution of the platform, while maintaining a collaborative environment. Founding and new members include Platinum members Famous, IBM, Intel, Joyent, Microsoft and PayPal.
"The Node.js Foundation provides a neutral structure to balance the needs of all constituents in the community: the users, vendors and contributors. As projects grow to the size of Node.js, they benefit from the neutrality, open governance and community that only a foundation can provide," said Jim Zemlin, Executive Director at The Linux Foundation. "By tapping into the strength of an empowered, unified community, the Node.js Foundation will advance this rapidly growing platform that supports millions of users around the world."
For the full announcement on The Linux Foundation website, go here.