
LinuxCon Europe in Edinburgh, UK – October 21-23, 2013

LinuxCon Europe is the place to learn from the best and the brightest, delivering content from the leading maintainers, developers and project leads in the Linux community and from around the world. There's simply no other event in Europe where developers, sys admins, architects and all types and levels of technical talent gather together under one roof for education, collaboration and problem-solving to further the Linux platform.  IBM is a Gold Sponsor of the event.

IBM will present these sessions at LinuxCon Europe:

Monday, October 21 - 2:20pm-3:10pm: Software Defined Networking Using the VXLAN Standard – Presented by Thomas Richter,  Software Developer at the IBM Research and Development Laboratory in Boeblingen, Germany 

Tuesday, October 22 - 9:30am-9:50am: Gain the Competitive Edge with Next Generation Cloud Platforms – Presented by Mac Devine, Director of CloudFirst Innovation and CTO, IBM

Tuesday, October 22 -12:10pm-1:00pm: Cloud Computing with KVM – Presented by Tony Gargya,  Systems Management Architect in the IBM Systems and Technology Group
The Open Virtualization Alliance is also a Bronze Sponsor of LinuxCon Europe. KVM Forum will be co-located with and running alongside LinuxCon Europe.

The Linux Foundation will be hosting CloudOpen in conjunction with LinuxCon Europe this year, and LinuxCon Europe attendees have full access to the CloudOpen conference including 55+ breakout sessions, attendees, and even more collaboration opportunities.  

For information about LinuxCon Europe, go here. For more information on CloudOpen Europe, click here. 
