
Linux Professional Institute Revises LPIC-2 and LPIC-3 Linux Certification Programs

The Linux Professional Institute, a Linux certification organization, has completed a review and update of the exam objectives for its LPIC-2 and LPIC-3 certification programs.  The new exams for LPIC-2 will be available November 1, 2013 in English and LPIC-3 will be available October 1, 2013 in English. Other language for both certification programs TBA.

"These updates of our LPIC-2 and LPIC-3 certification program represent significant changes in our advanced-level Linux certifications and are the result of extensive consultations with industry leaders, partner organizations, Linux professionals and others active in the Linux and Open Source Software ecosystem,” said G. Matthew Rice, director of product development for LPI. Rice cited the movement of Capacity Planning and OpenLDAP topics into LPIC-2, and the "one exam" approach to LPIC-3 certification (i.e., one of LPI-300, LPI-303 or LPI-304) as being among the significant changes to the advanced-level certifications.

LPI's major financial sponsors are Platinum Sponsors IBM, Linux Journal, Linux Magazine, Novell, SGI, and TurboLinux as well as Gold Sponsors, HP and IDG.

Revised exam objectives for LPIC-2 and LPIC-3 for the October/November 2013 exams are available.
