ISUG is pleased to announce its new Board of Directors for 2012-2013. Heading the organization as President for the first time will be current VP of Membership, Anne Walker. Anne is based in Sydney, Australia, and will be the first non-U.S. President since Luc Van der Veurst in 1999.
Eric Van Patten (VP of Finance) and Cynthia Gill (VP of Business Relations) both return in their current roles. Joining them as the new VP of Membership is Chris Pollach who previously served on the board from 2007-2010. Current President Bryan Enochs will serve as Past-President, and also as the new Benefits Director, and Martin Clark will return as the Secretary.
Jean-Pierre Dareys returns as South/Latin America Regional User Group Director, and will be joined by ?Marcelle von Wendland, the new EMEA Regional User Group Director, and Gavin Dabron, the new Asia-Pacific Regional User Group Director.
Rounding out the board will be returning Partner Director, Peter Dobler, along with new directors Ralf Anoia (Communications) and Millard Brown (Enhancements).
ISUG would also like to thank the following departing directors for their service: Cindy Bean (1999-2011), Aryeh Silverberg (2007-2011), Jeremy Chubb (2010-2011), Sheri Page (2010-2011), and Joe Woodhouse (2010-2011).