
2024 VIEW FROM THE TOP: Revelation

View From the Top by Mike Ruane President & CEO

Based upon a number of recent phone calls and emails to the Revelation offices, it seems as though a number of organizations think that their MultiValue applications—specifically Arev and OpenInsight applications—are getting old and no longer meeting evolving needs.

Troubling, for certain. However, a little more digging into the situation revealed a different issue. Many Revelation systems were built in-house and evolved organically. Back in the day, there were plenty of business owners who would start to develop their own applications for their business, and those applications—probably called Systems then—were critical to the success of their businesses.

But, as we all know, time marches on. Applications need to change and evolve. But, if the original author of the application has left the organization, or has gotten too busy to maintain the application, there’s a good chance that it goes fallow and gets stale. From there, it’s only a short time until the
application is viewed as outdated, unchangeable, and in need of replacement.

Developers and consultants need to engage their clients and let them know that their applications are not set in stone—that they are software, not hardware, and can be modified and enhanced to meet growing needs. If not, they will be replaced, and likely clients and customers lost.

Customer expectations and needs change. Developers need a product that lets them leverage their experience and skills, from wherever they are. We have created an OpenInsight product that lets this happen.

Go to and give us a try. We’ll be there for you when you need us.

