View from the top by Ravi Shankar, Chief Marketing Officer
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are in vogue. Companies are embedding these capabilities within their products to automate some of the repetitive manual tasks that users often perform. Software products are becoming intelligent by learning users’ behavior and providing suggestions by anticipating their next action. But for such capabilities to be truly effective, the software needs access to all the available data. Limiting the data needed by the AI/ML algorithms will inhibit their learning and their usefulness.
Data virtualization enables AI/ML and data science initiatives by delivering all the available data to algorithms in real time. Data virtualization accomplishes this by connecting to data sources and unifying the data in a virtual view. It does not replicate source data into yet another repository, which increases storage costs and introduces latency. Data scientists benefit from the power of data virtualization by creating multiple models of the underlying data that can provide hidden insights that the company never knew existed.
Denodo supports AI/ML and data science projects by adding continuous advancements. The Denodo Platform offers support for Notebooks via Zeppelin, enabling data scientists to keep their models and results in a single location. The Denodo Platform provides a more powerful UI for data scientists who can use their SQL skills to create complex models and views. They can share these models with fellow data scientists who can use them to augment their own models. Denodo’s customers have benefitted by using the Denodo Platform for various AI/ML and data science initiatives such as dynamically optimizing costs and measuring consumers’ changing preferences.