Michael Freiman

Research Mathematical Statistician
U.S. Census Bureau

Michael Freiman is a Research Mathematical Statistician in the Center for Disclosure Avoidance Research at the U.S. Census Bureau. He has been involved in several aspects of protecting Census Bureau data from violations of confidentiality. This has included the data perturbation used to protect the results of the 2010 decennial census as well as development of the Microdata Analysis System, an online system allowing custom queries of confidential Census Bureau data. He also serves on the Disclosure Review Board of the Social Security Administration. Dr. Freiman received a B.A. and an A.M. in Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania and a Ph.D. in Statistics from the Wharton School of Business. His work has been published in Methods and Applications of Statistics in the Behavior and Social Sciences, SORT (Statistics and Operations Research Transactions), the Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports and the Baseball Research Journal. He has spoken at the Joint Statistical Meetings and the Statistics Canada International Methodology Symposium.

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