Connect with David Mariani

David Mariani


Picture of David MarianiDave is a hands technology executive with over 25 years of experience in delivering Big Data, Consumer Internet, Internet advertising and hosted services platforms, creating nearly $600 million of enterprise value.

As a VP for Yahoo!, Mariani managed engineering for audience and advertising data pipelines and analytics ingesting 20TBs of data per day across multiple 4,000 node Hadoop clusters. His team created the world’s largest data warehouses including a petabyte Hive warehouse at Klout and the world's largest cube at Yahoo!. At Klout, he created a social data analytics service that includes a consumer and mobile site, Hadoop warehouse and serving infrastructure, a social advertising platform and a public API serving over 30 billion calls per month. As CTO for Bluelithium, managed a display advertising network delivering 300M ads per day while delivering a multi-terabyte behavior targeting data warehouse. Drove the sale of the company to Yahoo! for $300M.

As CTO of Digital Impact, Inc., delivered an industry leading SAAS online marketing platform and drove its sale to Acxiom Corporation for $140 million.

Founded MineShare, Inc and sold it to Digital Impact, Inc. (NASD:DIGI) for $34.4 million.

Data Summit 2015


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