
Ray Overby, Chief Technology Officer, Key Resources, Inc.

 Overby is an expert in security solutions for the mainframe and guiding enterprises to realize how critical it is to ensure compliance and security in an area often overlooked even by companies with sensitive data, such as in healthcare, finance, and fintech.

For more information, go to  Key Resources, Inc.

Articles by Ray Overby, Chief Technology Officer, Key Resources, Inc.

Social engineering, or an attempt to manipulate human behavior through specific, orchestrated actions to gain access to restricted information or systems without permission, is reportedly being used by 84% of hackers. The challenge is that humans are hard wired to trust, often willing to accept someone at his or her word, and social engineering attacks are all about taking advantage of that inherent want to trust. Unfortunately, this is not a good mix and often leads to humans becoming the weakest link in the security chain,

Posted April 06, 2021

The mainframe is the most important IT asset for many organizations today, keeping operations up and running and providing the performance and number crunching required by essential technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence. Yet, the security of the mainframe is often taken for granted, especially by modern CIOs or CISOs who typically cut their teeth in the world of distributed networking.

Posted August 11, 2020
