
Per Bauer

Per Bauer is the director of Global Services at TeamQuest where he is responsible for supporting customers worldwide with training, implementation, analysis, management and strategic services that address their planning and delivery needs. Bauer also leads the pre-sales technical support team in the EMEA division, ensuring that sales account managers and customers have technical product advice and support during sales discussions.

Prior to joining TeamQuest, Bauer worked for a global ERP vendor for 10 years, holding a position as manager for worldwide QA.

Articles by Per Bauer

To Avoid Costly Outages in 2016, Build IT Maturity Beyond Monitoring

Posted February 24, 2016

These days, managing a data center can be like working inside a pressure cooker. Virtualization, dynamic computing, cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things—each major development turns up the heat, but budgets, staff, and skills often lag behind explosive growth in data center scale and complexity.

Posted May 14, 2015
