
Joe Gaska, CEO, GRAX

Founded in 2018, GRAX provides a new way for businesses to preserve, recover, and act on their data.

Replacing traditional backup and archive tools that miss 99% of all historical changes and store sensitive data in third-party clouds, GRAX captures an irrefutable and recoverable record of every single change that happens to data over time. It allows businesses to keep their backup and archive data in their own storage environment and makes this historical data available for analytics alongside live data. This approach creates a modern, unified data infrastructure that helps organizations meet regulatory requirements and react more rapidly to new patterns that emerge in their business.

Articles by Joe Gaska, CEO, GRAX

October is "National Cyber Security Awareness Month," putting the spotlight on the need to keep data safe. In particular, as businesses continue to invest in SaaS-based solutions, they must rethink their risk management strategies to prioritize protecting one of their most important assets: SaaS app data. The transition to cloud and the adoption of SaaS-based applications is not a new phenomenon, but the pandemic clearly accelerated the shift. Notably, cloud spending increased 37% to $29 billion during the first quarter of 2020 alone, despite an expected 8% decline in overall IT spending. With hybrid and remote working models now becoming the norm, this reliance on cloud and SaaS will surely continue as organizations look for scalable and cost-effective ways to provide employees with anytime, anywhere access to information.

Posted October 05, 2021
