
Emily Washington, EVP, Product Management, Infogix

At Infogix, Washington is executive vice president of product management and is responsible for driving product strategy and product roadmaps. Since joining Infogix in 2002, she has worked closely with product development teams and customers to drive the introduction and adoption of all new products. Before Infogix, she worked at Cyborg Systems and Washington holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from San Jose State University. She also holds a certification in graphics design from The Art Institute.

Articles by Emily Washington, EVP, Product Management, Infogix

To be successful, business users need clarity into data definitions, synonyms, business attributes and usage to develop quality data intelligence. As a result, a data catalog must enable business users to understand and leverage data as an asset. By tracking data lineage to understand data's origins and transformations, businesses provide an audit trail throughout the data's lifecycle.

Posted March 01, 2021
