
Christian Hagen, Jason Miller, and Sachin Mahishi

Christian Hagen is a partner in A.T. Kearney’s Strategic Information Technology Practice, based in Chicago, and can be reached at christian.hagen@atkearney.comJason Miller is a principal in the Strategic Information Technology Practice, based in Chicago, and can be reached at jason.miller@atkearney.comSachin Mahishi is a principal in A.T. Kearney’s Strategic Information Technology Practice, and can be reached at

Articles by Christian Hagen, Jason Miller, and Sachin Mahishi

The expectations for technology in business have never been higher—thanks to the consumerization of IT, disruptions across the tech stack, and the emergence of new technology-based business models. And the pressures facing corporate IT departments been greater. So, how can business leaders and CIOs maximize the value of their technology investments to drive competitive business advantage? By tackling three important areas.

Posted September 25, 2014
