
Audra Simons, Senior Director of Global Products and Engineering at Everfox

Audra Simons is part of the Everfox Global Governments team, where her goal is to break new ground in the area of non-ITAR global products and engineering with a focus on high assurance critical infrastructure customers, markets, and solutions.

Articles by Audra Simons, Senior Director of Global Products and Engineering at Everfox

Despite the overwhelming promise of AI, its rapid proliferation has been accompanied by some unwanted side effects, including a dramatic uptick in cyberattacks— particularly social engineering attacks like phishing, which have grown 1,265% since late 2022. As a result, organizations across industries are faced with an ever-evolving challenge: balancing the positive use cases associated with AI, such as automated monitoring and streamlined workflows, with its very real risks.

Posted August 08, 2024
