View from the Top by Michael Corey, CEO, Ntirety
For close to 30 years, I have been actively involved with the database community. From one of the first Oracle Database Administrators, to President of the Independent Oracle Users Group; from one of the Founders of the Professional Association of SQL Server, to one of the original Oracle*Press authors; from Oracle ACE to VMware vExpert for database virtualization, I have seen an amazing succession of changes take place in our industry.
Today, the buzz is all about “Big Data” and the Variety, Velocity and Volume of data. Yes, Big Data is capturing mindshare and wallet, but in many ways, it follows the trends I have seen in a career devoted to what I like to call the “Dataverse.” There is continuous change in the Dataverse. As databases keep getting bigger and bigger, the technology surrounding them keeps getting more and more complex. Meanwhile, organizations’ thirst for the information held within those databases continues insatiably.
To stay relevant in today’s Dataverse, technologists must look beyond the structured data stored in traditional Databases, be they Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Postgress, et al. They have to understand that companies need “Data Scientists,” the forward-thinking technologists who will be the custodians of the Dataverse. These individuals understand that data can come from many different sources in many different forms. Most importantly, they understand that the true value of data comes from providing easy access to it, and putting it into context so that organizations can gain real insight to make better decisions.